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Outstanding quotes from SPIEF 2022: Forum participants on food security, government regulation and health

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18 June 2022
Яркие цитаты ПМЭФ-2022: Участники форума о продовольственной безопасности, государственном регулировании и здоровье
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10 March 2022
Public-Private Partnership as a Model of Public Infrastructure Development

The article argues that PPP is the optimal cooperation between the state and private sectors to solve social and economic problems.

31 May 2021
Diagnostics for Better Health: Considerations for Global Implementation

The research prepared by experts of the World Economic Forum examines health issues related to the implementation and introduction of effective diagnostic methods in medicine.

30 August 2021
Pursuing excellence: What’s next for finance in healthcare?

The research, prepared by consulting firm Arthur D. Little, examines the current healthcare financing challenges and identifies the role of a Center of Excellence (CoE) in determining the value of healthcare.

9 October 2020
Patient-Oriented Innovation Forum Roadmap

A roadmap with a list of changes needed to achieve the goal of rapid development of innovations in healthcare was prepared by the All-Russian Patient Union within the Patient-Oriented Innovation Forum.