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Outstanding quotes from SPIEF 2019: Forum participants on international relations

Expert opinion
18 June 2019
Яркие цитаты ПМЭФ-2019: Участники форума о международных отношениях
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29 September 2020
World Economic Situation And Prospects: September 2020 Briefing, No. 141

Experts from the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs have analysed the current economic indicators in developed and developing countries and established a trend towards regional integration, conditioned by economic crisis and catalysed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

12 July 2019
A dead-end war: Why China and the US have resumed trade talks

In this report, the Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA) explains why mutual increase in import tariffs is costly for both China and the US.

Analytical digest
23 November 2018
East Russia Economic Agenda (September 2018)

The September issue of the monthly official bulletin of the Ministry for Development of the Russian Far East was published on the threshold of the Eastern Economic Forum 2018 (EEF 2018) and gives a digest of news relating to the life and economic development of the Russian Far East for the period from EEF 2017 to EEF 2018.