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Report on the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2018

5 February 2018

The World Economic Forum is a Swiss non-governmental organisation, best known for its annual meetings in Davos. Among the participants attending are business leaders, political leaders, public figures and journalists.

The subjects of discussion are the most acute world problems, including health and environmental protection. From 23 to 26 January 2018, the 48th annual meeting was held in Davos. This Report is devoted to the meeting. In today’s world there is a wide range of global problems. Environment pollution, overpopulation, armed conflicts, gender inequality and other problems create risks for the whole planet. Despite the various causes of the corresponding phenomena and their different impact on the regions of the world, the need for their solution is facing the entire world community. These problems cannot be solved in isolation from each other. For example, the problem of environmental pollution cannot be solved within one country.

For this reason, it is necessary for the dialogue between all the states of the world and take appropriate measures. The annual meeting in Davos is held to arrange an appropriate dialogue. Within its framework, a platform is being formed where high-ranking people, scientists, young talents from around the world can discuss existing global problems and find solutions. At the same time, the forum is aimed not only at resolving such problems, but also at establishing necessary contacts and links. The forum in this format is one of the essential mechanisms in the world development.

This Report focuses on the participation of three representative communities — Global Shapers, social entrepreneurs and young global leaders in the annual meeting in Davos.

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