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Squash and Pool Tournaments Included in IFC 2018 Programme

5 June 2018
Турниры по сквошу и бильярду включены в программу МФК-2018

For the first time sporting events are a part of the International Financial Congress programme. The Congress will take place in St. Petersburg on 6–8 June 2018. On 6 June IFC participants will take part in squash and pool tournaments. “Sporting programme has become traditional for major economic forums, inevitably stirring keen interest of the participants, and now it makes a debut at the International Financial Congress. The Congress participants can register for either of polarly spirited sporting events. The pool tournament is a subterfuge and rhythmic strategy. The squash tournament, on the contrary is a powerful dynamic and energy,” noted Georgy Bryusov, Deputy Director of the Roscongress Foundation. The squash tournament starts at 18:00 in the PRO Court Sports Centre at 35 Ulitsa Marshala Govorova, building 4, Propaganda Business Centre. The pool tournament starts at 18:00 in MAXImatic Pool Club, located at 55 Prospect Kosmonavtov. Please, register for the tournament in your Personal Web Office.