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Delicious Aid: Mars Supports Medical Professionals

18 May 2020
Вкусная помощь: Mars оказывает поддержку медицинским работникам

Mars has sent over 15 tonnes of products to medical professionals in several Russian regions. The targeted assistance was provided to medical professionals as part of the #InThisTogether project in cooperation with the Roscongress Club and the Content Foundation for the Development of Expert and Analytical Activity.

Mars sent the first shipment of over 1,200 packages to federal medical centres in Moscow and medical facilities in Tambov and Moscow Regions, including the National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health — a Federal State Autonomous Institution of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N. I. Pirogov, the Federal State Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Radiological Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and the Lomonosov Moscow State University Clinic.

«We are glad to witness the expansion of both government support for doctors and support of medical professionals through partnerships during this pandemic. We hope this support will bring some happiness to doctors,» said Content Foundation Director Elena Sokolova.

«Mars has always been a socially responsible business and an active member of society, so we are also pitching in during this difficult time. We are glad to have opportunity to support doctors and medical personnel and are grateful to our partner, the Roscongress Foundation, for helping make sure that our in-kind support reaches its recipients as swiftly as possible,» said Mars in Russia President and Mars Wrigley CEO Maher Batruni.

On 16 April, the Roscongress Club, with the support of the Content Foundation, launched the Doctor’s Personal Assistant project as part of the #InThisTogether campaign. A medical organization can participate in this project by granting their personnel access to a specialized platform allowing them to receive the help of reliable assistants in addressing day-to-day issues.

«Doctors and medical professionals are continuing to work in these difficult conditions. Many of them haven’t seen their families for weeks. As such, we should all join forces and do everything we can to support those professionals in the meantime. We are glad to see that business are not staying on the sidelines either, offering the support that doctors need, perhaps, most of all. I am certain that if each of us takes the small step of supporting our heroes, we will make it through all of the difficulties we face today,» said Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Roscongress Foundation Alexander Stuglev.