The goal of
the official agreement between the Roscongress Foundation and the Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of
Independent States (IPA CIS) Council
Secretariat is to jointly hold international events in St. Petersburg.
The Interparliamentary Assembly and the Roscongress Foundation already
have extensive experience in fruitful cooperation and organization of major
events, including the 137th Interparliamentary Union Assembly in
2017 and the Second Eurasian Womens
Forum in 2018.
agreement with the IPA CIS Council Secretariat is a predictable next step. We
have successfully worked on projects for a while, and we are looking forward to
the new joint events in St. Petersburg,» said Chairman and CEO of the
Roscongress Foundation Alexander Stuglev.
headquarters is housed in the Tauride Palace, an outstanding architectural,
garden art, historic and cultural landmark. It has gained a reputation of an
excellent venue for events of the highest international level, including the
St. Petersburg Economic Forum, 36th session of the UNESCO World
Heritage Committee, 23rd session of the UNWTO General Assembly, Forum
of Russian and Belarusian Regions and many others. The agreement with the
Roscongress Foundation opens up great opportunities for the development of
these activities for both parties,»
noted Dmitriy Kobitskiy,
Secretary General Head of the IPA CIS Council Secretariat.