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Outstanding quotes from EEF 2022: Forum participants on international cooperation

Expert opinion
6 September 2022
Яркие цитаты ВЭФ-2022: Участники форума о международном сотрудничестве
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Analytical digest
30 August 2019
Trade Relations Between Russia and India Today

This publication, specially prepared by the Roscongress Foundation and ITI for the 5th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF 2019), explores current trends and nuances of the trade and economic relations between Russia and India. The authors demonstrate that the potential for collaboration between the two countries needs to be exploited further.

6 September 2018
Asia-Pacific as a new zone for global market growth

The global economy is disintegrating into two separate projects: the West and the East. Financial globalization (the Western project) requires a uniform standard for decision-making, whereas industrial globalization (the Eastern project) requires the joining together of diverse interests on the basis of agreements.

25 October 2018
Russia-2024: The strategy of social and economic development

In his article published in Voprosy Ekonomiki, Dmitry Medvedev, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, analyzes the goals of Russian social and economic policy for 2018–2024, in particular those in the areas of education and science, healthcare, social policy, technologies, finance, and exports.

28 November 2019
EAEU Trade and Geopolitics amidst a Slowing Global Economy and the Rearrangement of International Relations

The Intesa Sanpaolo Group has published an analysis of trade and geopolitical relations of the EAEU member states where the slowdown in global economy and the rearrangement of international relations have become the determining factors.