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Outstanding quotes from EEF 2022: Forum participants on the development of the Far East

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7 September 2022
Яркие цитаты ВЭФ-2022: Участники форума о развитии Дальнего Востока
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4 September 2022
Aid for Trade Global Review: Empowering connected, sustainable trade

The publication presents the results of the 2022 joint OECD—WTO Aid for Trade monitoring and evaluation exercise. The authors analyze the latest trends in trade and the factors that have a direct effect on trade flows and global economy.

30 August 2019

This flagship report by the United Nations Environment Programme reviews the current state of the global environment, depicts possible future trends, assesses the effectiveness of current environmental policies, and stresses the need to take urgent action in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

13 June 2022
Trade and Development Report 2021

This report by UNCTAD deals with global trends in economy, trade, and sustainable development.