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Outcomes of the VII Eastern economic forum

20 December 2022

Main substantive results of the Eastern Economic Forum — 2022.

Analysts of the Roscongress Foundation have identified the main theses of this study, accompanying each of them with a relevant piece of video broadcasts of panel discussions held as part of the business programs of key events held by the Foundation.

The Far East is becoming the main gateway to the world for Russia.

The emerging trend towards multipolarity has significantly increased Russia’s foreign economic, political, and humanitarian interaction with many Asian countries. China, India, Vietnam and other ASEAN countries are among the countries with the largest growth in trade and cultural ties with Russia. In these realities, the Far East acquires additional geostrategic importance, and its further development is a priority on the domestic Russian agenda.


Overcoming the logistics restrictions of the Far East is a key task for the development of the region.

The most resource-intensive constraint for the development of the Far East is logistical. Today’s demand for the eastern direction has highlighted the problems: the transport infrastructure of the Far East risks not being able to cope with the increase in cargo traffic to the Asia-Pacific countries. The Eastern Railway Range is the only artery linking the west and east of the country, through which cargo is transported from Russia to the promising markets of the Asia-Pacific region. At the same time, back in 2021, the Eastern landfill was loaded at full design capacity — 144 million tons of cargo. According to experts, the additional annual need for the transportation of goods due to the reorientation to the East is about 140 million tons. Therefore, the need to expand and modernize the BAM and the Trans-Siberian Railway has become a cross-cutting topic in almost all discussions of the EEF-2022.

The need to develop a network of regional air transportation and small aircraft, the development of a road network, and of course the Northern Sea Route was also actively discussed.


The goals of the development of the Far East are hardly achievable without the implementation of measures to increase and develop the human capital of the region.

The Far East is experiencing the problem of outflow of personnel from the region. For example, about 40% of applicants enter universities outside the Far East, and their number in the region is now 178 thousand, while in 2016 it was 237 thousand. But serious steps have already been taken towards improving the quality of education in the Far East with an eye on something to stop the exodus of students and graduates. Great hopes are pinned on a separate program for the development of Far Eastern universities «Priority-2030. Far East» with financing of 7.8 billion rubles until 2024. Thanks to it, the number of free state-funded places in the universities of the Far East is growing — from 26 thousand in 2019 to 30.5 thousand in 2022.

An important factor for retaining the population in the Far East is the improvement of housing conditions. One of the most famous and effective programs for this was the Far East mortgage for young families, which was used by about 48 thousand families. According to the participants of the discussions at the Forum, it is also necessary to move on to a new strategy for the development of the Far Eastern cities and territories, which should be based on the main principle — ensuring a high standard of living for the population of the Far East in the field of education, medicine, sports, culture, and the preservation of traditions.


We also invite you to familiarize yourself with other materials posted in special sections of the Roscongress Information and Analytical System Far East, Comprehensive Plan for Upgrading and Expanding Core Infrastructure and Standards of living dedicated to the development of the Russian Far East.

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